Lecturer in Sokoto court over Child abandonment

 The directing Magistrate, Mariya Haruna Dogon Daji has dismissed to June fifteenth for the continuation of the conference on an instance of youngster relinquishment brought before her against one Jamilu Musa, who is a teacher with the Department of Science and Laboratory, Umaru Ali Shinkafi Polytechnic, Sokoto.

The denounced individual, Jamilu Musa as indicated by the Prosecutor was said to have committed departure of kid offense which is in opposition to segment 212 of the Sokoto State 2002 regulation,

A female legal counselor, Barrister Loveth Bello was in the Court to watch the procedure for FIDA.

The Prosecutor who informed the Court that he means calling 4 observers out of whom 2 have previously affirmed, added that he has the third on in Court as Principal Witness 3.

in her proof under the watchful eye of the Court, the PW3, Asmau Abubakar Jibrin who is the Data Officer of the Sokoto State Ministry for Women and Children Affairs, expressed some of the time in January 2021 the Director of Women Affairs of the Ministry gave her a number to call and cabin her objection.

'It was last year January 2021 yet I can't remember the date. The Director of Women Affairs provided me with the quantity of one woman (name kept) and I called her and she revealed an instance of assault which I returned to my Director.

"The woman (name kept) was subsequently welcome to the Ministry for additional subtleties. While in the workplace, she gave insights concerning how she was assaulted and the guilty party deserted the kid.

"In the wake of hearing from her, the Ministry guided her to FIDA where she announced that the culprit would not get a sense of ownership with the kid".

Proceeding, the PW3 said as an approach to helping the survivor, the Ministry attempt however much as could reasonably be expected to remember her for any of their strengthening projects to empower her to battle for the youngster.

While questioning the PW3, the protection counsel, Barrister Umar Abubakar inquired as to whether the Ministry has any register regarding this episode and she replied in the positive, saying, 'Each occurrence is kept in our public dashboard".

The Prosecutor from there on made an oral application for intermission to empower him to accompany PW4. What's more, his application was allowed thus concluding the case to the fifteenth of June for the continuation of the meeting.

It was likewise accumulated that the dad of the survivor promised never to permit her to go into his home having brought such disgrace upon him.

In the interim, a relative of the survivor who didn't like to be referenced said, the teacher in the wake of getting her pregnant speedily hitched her to dodge kickback and discipline from either the school authority or society.

The family source went on by expressing, soon after the marriage, Jamilu Musa separated from the woman and deserted the child also.

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