Expert flays misconceptions over children born through IVF

 A gynaecologist and an professional in In Vitro Fertilisation primarily based totally in Akwa Ibom State, Dr. Oladipo Shittu, has debunked misconceptions in a few quarters that youngsters born via In Vitro Fertilisation typically expand intellectual fitness problems for the duration of their ranges of development.

He stated youngsters born via IVF are ordinary and beautiful, including that such claims can handiest be observed to be proper if the man or woman in query has a hereditary problem.

Dr. Shittu who's the Chief Executive Officer of Shelterd’ IVF and Fertility Centre, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State said this even as fielding questions from newsmen on Saturday at a media briefing to mark the 2d anniversary of the centre, positioned alongside Oron road, Uyo, the country capital.

He stated, “A baby born via IVF is completely ordinary and beautiful. Some humans have the false impression that toddlers born via IVF have intellectual problems, it's miles completely unfaithful until the lady has a hereditary problem.”

The scientific medical doctor who's additionally a fellow of the West African College of Surgeons with unique schooling in IVF additionally faulted the declare via way of means of a few spiritual leaders that IVF is a person looking to be God.

According to him the ideals via way of means of a few spiritual leaders that IVF is ungodly isn't proper, including that he has because the status quo of the Centre, deconstructed such misconceptions withinside the country.

He added “Misconceptions are rife, Some spiritual leaders consider that IVF is ungodly, that it's miles a person looking to be God, and I need to say that after I added IVF to the country, I must deconstruct the false impression approximately IVF, it isn't a person looking to be God, as an alternative it's miles the concept that God impacted in guy due to the fact God is a scientist.

Continuing he stated “When we switch embryos we've got sincerely no energy over the implant, we usually inform sufferers that after we switch we haven't any energy to the implant, it's miles handiest God that determines implantation. So, IVF is a person being utilized by God and now no longer a person looking to be God.

“People additionally have this false impression that IVF is handiest for the rich, this isn't proper, IVF isn't as costly because it used to be, in the ones days, you want to have 2 to three million naira, even though there was plenty of studies to convey down the fee of IVF, every now and then you've got got price bargain in order that extra humans can investigate it. Some humans additionally consider that IVF is for the elderly, however this is additionally now no longer proper, it’s for each person who has fertility problems,” Shittu stated.

The scientific professional who disclosed that the anniversary birthday party coincided with the transport of a triplet withinside the centre stated aleven though the impact is that IVF and plenty of superior remedy alternatives for infertility have the popularity of being very costly and untouchable financially, he has added a message of that IVF isn't so luxurious and plenty of humans with fertility problems have embraced it withinside the country.

“We additionally need to inform the humans of Akwa Ibom that they do now no longer want to move out of doors the country or the united states for remedy, IVF is to be had right here in Uyo.

“When we began out this centre  years ago, our message become that IVF works, it's miles taken into consideration the first-rate remedy for humans which are taken into consideration infertile in vintage age, for humans which have unexplained infertility, for humans which have blockage of the fallopian tube, humans that need a selected gender, for a pair which are AS, AS, they are able to have sickle mobileular loose toddlers,” he stated.

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