Poor menstrual hygiene can cause Pelvic inflammation in women, girls

 A Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist at the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital, Bauchi State, Dr Abdullahi Kabiru, has attributed the instances of pelvic infection contamination amongst girls to terrible menstrual hygiene.

According to him, pelvic irritation infections are induced by way of terrible sanitary attitudes among women, mainly the use of unclean sanitary pads.

Dr. Kabiru noted this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria on Wednesday, noting that different infections probably to have an effect on such girls are urinary tract infections and virginal infections.

“Without menstrual hygiene, ladies are at chance of infections such as the infection of the pelvis amongst others. Communities and mother and father want to be sensitised on the crucial of menstrual hygiene and administration to make female sense at ease and have interaction freely in society.

“The social, monetary and psychological challenges skilled by way of ladies at some stage in menstruation can lead to despair due to the fact ladies and girls are stigmatized,” he said.

Dr. Kabiru printed that the long-term penalties of the infections may want to lead to fertility issues.

He, therefore, recommended for get right of entry to to water, disposal objects and pleasant menstrual loos in faculties to promote proper hygiene throughout the month-to-month cycles amongst girls.

He in addition known as for a collective effort by using the communities and dad and mom closer to assisting ladies to battle all types of stigmatisation that should lead to depression.


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